Clubs at BHS

BHS is excited to announce we have 20 clubs this year!

Bio Engineering
What We Do: Teach students how to create basic medical objects, how they work, and how more complex things work.
President: Gabriel Tamini
Advisor: Mr. Rodarte
Meet: After School

Botany Club
What We Do: Grow plants and teach others how to grow them.
President: Jackson Ramirez
Advisor: Mr. Rodarte
Meet: Lunch (EcoLab)

College and Career
What We Do: Promote college and career exploration and access for all students.
President: Reese Trusty
Advisor: Ms. Eryn
Meet: Ms. Eryn’s office

What We Do: To teach kids how to live on their own by teaching them how to cook.
President: Jackson Ramirez
Advisor: Mr. Rodarte
Meet: Day TBA (EcoLab)

Dungeons & Dragons
What We Do: We will be hosting a DnD campaign, creating characters, and doing math.
President: Matthew Such
Advisor: Mr. VanHoosear/Mr. Lopez
Meet: Mr. Van’s after school on Fridays (Cupeno)

What We Do: Hands-on projects that benefit the environment!
President: Paola Santos Marquez
Advisor: Mr. Rodarte
Meet: Wednesdays at lunch (EcoLab)

What We Do: Practice and participate in ESports.
President: Aaron Arellano
Advisor: Ms. Peetz
Meet: Mondays at lunch

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
What We Do: Learn about the Christian faith, play games, and hear Biblical sermons. Open to all, not just athletes.
President: Audrey Dyal
Advisor: Andrea Breuninger
Meet: Mr. Robinson’s room Mondays at lunch (Luiseno)

Folklorico Dance/Spanish
What We Do: Express mexican culture through dance at events.
President: Paolo Santos Marquez
Advisor: Mrs. Rojo
Meet: Lunch (room 15)

What we do: Playing table top games!
President: Aaron Arellano
Advisor: Mr. Barajas (Fairview)
Meet: Wednesdays at Lunch

What we do: Connect students to the community.
President: Krislynn Knight
Advisor: Mr. Robinson
Meet: Every other Thursday in Mr. Robinson’s (Luiseno)

What we do: Learn about financial literacy, investing and the stock market.
President: Luis Villagomez
Advisor: Mr. Van Hoosear
Meet: Mondays at lunch in Cupeno

Jewish Alliance
What we do: Create a safe place for Jewish students to hangout!
President: Zahava Botvinick
Advisor: Mr. Rodarte
Meet: Various lunches in Mr. Rodarte’s

What we do: Teaching basic practices in the medical field.
President: Gabriel Tamimi
Advisor: Mr. Rodarte
Meet: After school in Mr. Rodarte’s

Mock Trial
What we do: Compete in the San Diego Mock Trial Competition
President: Jason Martinez
Advisor: Mrs. Armijo
Meet: Wednesdays after school in Mrs. Armijo’s (16)

What we do: Being unified in the spirit of Indigenous culture, we are changing stereotypes, building self-esteem, fostering cultural enrichment and unity in a culturally diverse environment by developing leadership through teaching, learning and participation.
President: Yahtziri Smith
Advisor: Starr GreenSky
Meet: Wednesdays at lunch (27)

Red Cross
What we do: To support the Red Cross organization through community service projects.
President: Nonyi Usua
Advisor: Mr. Robinson
Meet: Every other Wednesday in Robinson’s at lunch

Speech and Debate
What we do: Practicing speech and debate skills while preparing for contests.
President: Nonyi Usua
Advisor: Mr. Hinchliff
Meet: Mondays after school in Hinchliff’s (Monserate)

What we do: Producing plays and going on field trips
President: Nonyi Usua
Advisor: Mrs. Arellano
Meet: Thursdays at lunch in Mr. Van Hoosear’s (Cupeno)

Women’s Empowerment
What we do: Plan events to raise awareness and money for different causes.
President: Zahava Botvinick
Advisor: Ms. Peetz
Meet: Various lunches

Want to start a club still? Fill out this application.